Recent content by Åscend|Ofa|Wet|Rug

  1. Åscend|Ofa|Wet|Rug

    Reflectors in space could make solar farms on Earth work for longer every day

    Coal is established....that's why it is a go-to; there are waaaaay to many entities involved to be messing with it's status. Laziness and fear: two things MAN has created, and seems to adore.
  2. Åscend|Ofa|Wet|Rug

    Saturn's rings look gorgeous in 1st James Webb Space Telescope photo of the gas giant glimmering shots of someone's bald spot here in Earth with this thing?? I mean, we should at least train this beast in on the Cowboys' playbook during the Superbowl.... and not insult the public with these 'renderings' of someone's imagination. I want unmistakable proof these are...
  3. Åscend|Ofa|Wet|Rug

    New Hubble Telescope image shows mysterious spokes on Saturn's rings

    Ok...why aren't we seeing nauseatingly closeup images of the Moon from Hubble....all over the internet?