Recent content by abdelhalimhosney886@gmail

  1. abdelhalimhosney886@gmail

    Why does it matter?

    We are simply talking about an old problem, can an object move without a force acting on it? If you caught a ball and threw it in the air. In the beginning, it was your hand that moved the ball, and after the ball moved away from your hand and there was no longer any force acting on it, the...
  2. abdelhalimhosney886@gmail

    Why does it matter?

    I am happier to talk to you, and now I will answer your question about Voyager, how does a vehicle without fuel move without any force that drives it to move? It is a strange mystery. Newton's first law states that an object remains in its state of rest or movement at a constant velocity in a...
  3. abdelhalimhosney886@gmail

    Why does it matter?

    In the beginning, I am happy with your questions, but as I explained, I was presenting part of my hypothesis, and it certainly does not mean that I am not famous that I am stupid, so surely I have an answer to these questions and therefore your conclusions are not correct, and I can tell you...
  4. abdelhalimhosney886@gmail

    Why does it matter?

    First, ether is necessary as a medium for transmitting electromagnetic waves, and although it is a physical necessity, most scientists deny it exists because of the Michelson and Morley experiment, but I am convinced that it is really everywhere, it is the space itself!!! Let's explain my...
  5. abdelhalimhosney886@gmail

    Why does it matter?

    Logically, a connection between two bodies cannot occur without a change in the medium between them, there is no magic in physics, and therefore there must be a medium that transmits this change, whether in gravity or magnetism, and for the great philosopher Parmenides, I do not follow him, but...
  6. abdelhalimhosney886@gmail

    Why does it matter?

    I have developed a hypothesis to solve this problem and I can present a small part of it. If you were in space far from the Earth, how would you be affected by the Earth’s gravity if there was no matter between you and Earth? This is impossible, so no force can be transmitted through...
  7. abdelhalimhosney886@gmail

    How did supermassive black holes get so big and chonky? Scientists still don't know.

    I think that scientists are seeking for a mirage, because the solution of this problems did not need super massive star to be black holes , so I put very strong hypothesis to solve this question it is depends on these points: The presence of black holes in the core of galaxies is inevitable...