Recent content by AceExplorer

  1. A

    New 'Star Wars: The Mask of Fear' novel stars Mon Mothma, Bail Organa, and Saw Gerrera (interview)

    No thanks to the "new Star Wars" since Disney took it over and ran it into the ground. I'm done with the franchise and have moved on to embrace most (but not all) or the original pre-Disney trilogy stuff. I got tired of feeling like I was just being milked for Disney's revenue. Maybe someday...
  2. A

    NASA's $5 billion Europa Clipper mission may not be able to handle Jupiter's radiation

    Human error is always a risk. On education - we are having similar quality problems with degreed hires in non-space technology sectors. We must attract, train, and hire only the best and brightest - the same as our foreign competitors continue to do. It is becoming more evident that we are...