Recent content by AfricanSamurai

  1. AfricanSamurai

    Beings Like Us in Parallel Universes

    Quite an interesting "input/logic judgement", I actually like it... got me thinking Anyways, given the data gathered from the observable universe, I still believe the universe is at this point infinite/limitless and endeless especially given the recent discoveries of futherest and most distant...
  2. AfricanSamurai

    Beings Like Us in Parallel Universes

    Agreed, it's just a matter of time before contact is established. Hopefully it happens in our lifetime...
  3. AfricanSamurai

    Beings Like Us in Parallel Universes

    Well firstly, I strongly believe we are not alone in our own Universe, I believe there are other beings out there in the cosmos trying as hard as us to find other living species. If not, then there should be other livinng organisms somewhere out there. Even in our solar system, if we can...
  4. AfricanSamurai

    Introduce yourself! (And show us your swag)

    Hi guys... AfricanSamurai here Happy to be on the forum and looking forward to discussing our wonderful universe which we are part of. I am a nature and wildlife enthusiast and now finding so much interest in astronomy and the cosmos. Thanks for the welcome, so happy to be here.