Recent content by Alaintha

  1. A

    Japanese satellite will beam solar power to Earth in 2025

    Reading this article, I kept thinking, what about the size, will they continue to expand and grow? Is one enough? I highly doubt one solar power plant will be enough for most countries. How many other countries will copy this engineering feat and send one up on their own? This space power...
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    End of year, end of exhibit: Space shuttle Endeavour goes off view for a few years

    As with many of the exhibits NASA provides to Mankind, I am sure the schedule for other locations with be forth coming. As with the Liberty Bell 7 at Cape Canaveral in 2000, if you do watch for news of these short moments in time when we can view historic events, we're sure to have the Endeavor...
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    10 exhilarating spaceflight missions to watch in 2024

    I recall sitting around the TV, watching with amazement at the Apollo Landing. The entire family, neighbors and friends were busy on the phones, talking, asking, watching. It is an awesome moment when we watch humans take to the stars! Every time there was a launch from the space center...