Recent content by AlexK

  1. AlexK

    Magnetic anomalies on the Moon's surface also wrote an article which may be relevant to the discussion regarding magnetic anomalies on the moon: I know this was written in June of 2019, and wonder if any follow-up research has been done since then.
  2. AlexK

    Question What is your favorite weird fact about space?

    My favorite weird fact about space is that it contains so many absolute unknowns. I am glad that sites like this exist, because we have so much to learn. It drives creative discourse and discovery.
  3. AlexK

    Ask Me Anything AMA Tariq Malik Editor in Chief

    We are surrounded by politics, now more than ever, and much of it not very encouraging. After 10,000 of civil society, we are still not civil for long. Therefore, my question for you is, how do you feel international (or even regional) claims over planets, asteroids and other things that...
  4. AlexK

    Announcement NASA AMA: Charles White Knowledge Management Analyst

    Hello - thank you so much for taking the time to answer our questions . Mine stems from a very recent development: How do you feel that this "Quantum Computer Supremacy" will affect the ongoing projects at NASA and related industries? Should we anticipate acceleration of space exploration...
  5. AlexK

    Simple question for Pluto: who decides what a planet is?

    Hey all. I am somewhat confused by all the Pluto is a planet vs. Pluto is not a planet discussion that has gone on over the past decade or two. Who is the final authority about how these bodies are classified?