Recent content by alfa0153

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    New exoplanet candidate found in the habitable zone of the closest star system

    Hello! As some of you might know, astronomers have recently detected (through direct imaging) a gas giant exoplanet candidate in the habitable zone of Alpha Centauri A. This is the study: For those interested, I made a video-analysis...
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    The Spacecraft That Could Allow Interstellar Travel

    Summary: - Solar One: part light sail, part laser system, part nuclear reactor, could theoretically reach 22% the speed of light. - The proposed spacecraft would be a combination of 3 near-tearm technologies, such as the US Navy's compact fusion reactor. Source...
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    Astronomer finds potential origin of the famous WOW! signal

    *The Wow signal lasted just 72 seconds and was 'unusual' and has yet to be traced *This led many to theorise the signal came from an intelligent alien civilisation *Amateur astronomer Alberto Caballero has been searching the Gaia catalogue *This catalogue contains details on 1.3 billion stars...
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    Arecibo radio telescope, an icon of astronomy, is lost

    So sad :cry: The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence will continue with the SETI Institute, Breakthrough Initiatives, Berkeley SETI, and the SETI Project.