Recent content by Big Crow

  1. Big Crow

    Watch an SUV- asteroid zoom by Earth in close shave flyby in this time-lapse video

    still looks like Navy UAP footage to me...
  2. Big Crow

    At a powerful radio telescope, the hunt for signals from intelligent extraterrestrial life is on

    They know we're here, they hear us, they know we're listening, can you blame them?
  3. Big Crow

    Rising sea levels could swamp the US coastline by 2050, NASA predicts

    Ahahahahaha...... they said the same thing in the 60's: there was a bridge on Cape Cod that had the annual high tide mark painted on every year. They said it was because of global warming of the polar ice caps was causing the ocean to rise, it was shocking! A few decades went by and there were...