Recent content by BillyW

  1. BillyW

    How To How We Got to the Moon (the first time)

    The Lunar Module was built like that because weight was such a problem In fact, the TV camera that showed Armstrong taking the first step onto the lunar surface almost didn't make the trip. NASA public relations director, the late Julian Scheer, told the design team "if you don't include the...
  2. BillyW

    Introduce yourself! (And show us your swag)

    Hi everyone. Glad to see so many interested in spaceflight and the universe. I'm Billy and watched all the manned s;paceflights during Mercury, Gemini and Apollo. (I'm 70, which feels weird to type.). I'm a writer and wrote a book "Apollo Moon Missions: The Unsung Heroes." Apollo 13's Fred...
  3. BillyW

    One suggestion for the announcers

    During the final 30 seconds of the countdown and in the first three minutes after launch, it is important for the viewers to hear what is being said by mission control and the official countdown person — thjis will be especially true when astronauts are onboard. I can still hear Neil...