Recent content by Canukanaut

  1. C

    Question How many times has our matter cycled through the stellar life cycle?

    So your guessing we are third generation matter. That is three cycles of the stellar process in 13.8 billion years that has brought us to this point. Does anyone else have an opinion? I figured third generation but what about fourth?
  2. C

    Question How many times has our matter cycled through the stellar life cycle?

    We all know that the Universe started with Hydrogen with a lesser amount of Helium and a trace of Lithium. As these elements went through the stellar process they combined to form the heavier elements of the Periodic Table. Therefore, knowing the rate of stellar processing and the rate at which...
  3. C

    What generation matter are we made of?

    How many times has the matter that makes us and our solar system been through the stellar process? We must be at least 2nd generation matter, or could we be 6 or 7 times through the stellar evolutionary process to get the amount of heavy elements in our solar system? Is this question even...
  4. C

    How many times has the matter that makes up our solar system gone through the stellar process?

    Matter up to iron is formed in the center of a star, the elements above iron are only generated when a star ends it's life and explodes into a nebula. Each nebula expands to collide with other nebula to start a new star and on it goes. Now, how many times has this happened, by using the amount...