Recent content by Classical Motion

  1. Classical Motion

    Can space-based solar power really work? Here are the pros and cons.

    If one believes the current predictions, we will soon know how fast and how much CO2 and coal emissions, affect the temperature of earth. It’s part of our future. From the photos of lots of Asian cities, it doesn’t look too good. I thought LA was bad in the late 60s. I believe we have all the...
  2. Classical Motion

    Negative Mass exists, Newton's Laws opposite

    I think that I have mass, matter, energy, inertia, dipoles, atomic structure, absorption, radiation, decay and redshift…... all figured out. And satisfied with it. And I think that the gravitational attraction only appears with a dipole bond. And only effects dipole bonds. Gravity is s dipole...
  3. Classical Motion

    Unknown physics may help dark energy act as 'antigravity' throughout the universe

    I believe that when we use our sense of vision, that we automatically search and look for patterns in that field of vision. AND if there are no recognizable patterns there, we imagine and imprint a new pattern. Hearing is pattern recognition too. We make landmark patterns thru new territory...
  4. Classical Motion

    Can space-based solar power really work? Here are the pros and cons.

    Adding power from outside earth's shadow would be insane, unless the earth was covered with ice. The insanity is based on modern climate theory. If the theory is wrong, then it won't be insane. But right now it is insane.
  5. Classical Motion

    US Space Force celebrates return of 1st Guardian to launch to space (photos)

    Up in a harness the recoil would swing me. But maybe in space the recoil would spin me.
  6. Classical Motion

    US Space Force celebrates return of 1st Guardian to launch to space (photos)

    I would like to experience the recoil without my weight, just my mass. I suspect it’s much different.
  7. Classical Motion

    US Space Force celebrates return of 1st Guardian to launch to space (photos)

    I want to know what rifle recoil is like.
  8. Classical Motion

    City of Lights' as seen at night from space: Space photo of the day

    Kinda looks like a fungus. If only they could find something like this on an exoplanet. Wonder what it looks like with IR.
  9. Classical Motion

    Curiosity Mars rover discovers largest organic molecules ever seen on Red Planet

    Like life, the record of it is temporary. And easily mislabeled. If man can't find what he's looking for, he will event it.
  10. Classical Motion

    Honesty, Openness, and Censorship

    I'm betting the midterm election will be historic too. Long long overdue. This political science has made life miserable. All science is political, and has been used that way. Telling us how we should live and what's important. And how to raise our children. And who is important over...
  11. Classical Motion

    New thinking

    A new thinking would be realizing that the beginning of this universe can not be determined. A new thinking would be realizing that time and length are constant pillars that all motion must obey. That space is emptiness without properties. A non entity. And that there is only one dimension...
  12. Classical Motion

    What would happen if the Milky Way's black hole erupted? This distant galaxy paints a terrifying picture

    Those emitting galaxies have to be still for a very long time for those straight lines to be built. This fits no theory.
  13. Classical Motion

    What would happen if the Milky Way's black hole erupted? This distant galaxy paints a terrifying picture

    For me it seems that the center toroidal object has erupted many times before. And the two gigantic invisible matter bubbles are the record of it. That ringed accelerator blows perpendicular to the majority of MW components. And probably wobbles some. Giving cone like bubble stools. That’s what...