Recent content by Craftsman X

  1. Craftsman X

    Question Propulsion

    no question in my book is ever dumb... it takes bravery to ask something you don't know the answer to and takes a wise type of empathy to provide an answer. By the way I don't know the answer to your question either! ... keep asking and before you know it you will be the most knowledgeable one...
  2. Craftsman X

    Question Powder power...

    Given that a powder in a confined space will explode when mixed with air and ignited, is it not feasible to have a propulsion system that mixes a fine powder with oxygen and ignites it repeatedly? (whilst in space rather than a lift off system) Almost certainly rubbish for an obvious reason...
  3. Craftsman X

    Question why is your GMT time reading short by one hour

    Ah, yes , I was going to do a longer one that was a bit more helpful but I had to go out!
  4. Craftsman X

    Question why is your GMT time reading short by one hour

    UK is on BST (British Summer Time)
  5. Craftsman X

    Space x DRAGON

    count me in!
  6. Craftsman X

    Exposed planetary core spotted circling distant star

    Psyche sounds very interesting too... lots coming up soon
  7. Craftsman X

    Question Moon Gold

    fantastic, many thanks
  8. Craftsman X

    Question Moon Day

    Thanks very much for this....
  9. Craftsman X

    Question Moon Day

    When standing on the moon, In terms of the suns movement above you , what would a typical day on the moon look like? would it (the sun) rise and set in the same places (relative to the moon) or just be all over the place? ...and what pattern would the earth take is there a good animation out...
  10. Craftsman X

    Don't expect NASA's 1st Artemis astronauts to drive on the moon in a fancy lunar car

    I always take binoculars and camera on a hike - is it feasible/practical to do the same on the moon?
  11. Craftsman X

    Question Moonwords 2.0

    How about.... "We return to walk in the footprints of giants - from here to stride onward to worlds beyond." ?
  12. Craftsman X

    Neptune's weird moon Triton could get a visit from a NASA spacecraft called Trident

    Triton for me as a destination anytime! Always been fascinated with this moon...
  13. Craftsman X

    Question Enceladus

    Cheers Dave... would the curvature of a rainbow appear the same as one on earth?
  14. Craftsman X

    Question WORM Vs MEATBALL

    Embrace the worm!