Recent content by crimsonbytes

  1. crimsonbytes

    Comet C/2022 A2 (Pan-STARRS) passes close by the sun this weekend

    What, another rare green comet? Next thing you're going to tell me is that they might discover another rare black and white striped zebra at the zoo.. C/2022 E3 (ZTF) should stop being referred to as "the green comet" and "rare" (though thanks for at least not calling it rare) by those that...
  2. crimsonbytes

    See the green comet near Mars in the night sky this week

    I saw a rare black and white striped zebra once. Do better, encourage views of a spectacular comet without adding to the nonsense coming from those who have no idea what comets really look like and their "rarity" hypes for clicks. We who are astronomy enthusiasts (hopefully including...