Recent content by Damon A

  1. Damon A

    This time, we take it from no one: Why opening the High Frontier of space can be different (op-ed)

    This article is inane. There will always be conflict, humans simply cannot let others live as they please. This is true from your HOA to your local government to the federal government and even to the UN. There will always be someone out there that thinks they know better than you how you should...
  2. Damon A

    How can we restore public trust in science? (op-ed)

    Public perception is that science has been coopted by politics. I fear the public is right. Another problem is the fearmongering. "We have 5 years to save the planet!" That date passes. "We have 10 years to save the planet!" With no explanation for what we did to save it after the first 5...
  3. Damon A

    Life might have been possible just seconds after the Big Bang

    I come to for science. Saying that life arose a few hundred million years after the first star ignited is reasonable scientific speculation. We all know that the building blocks of life are forged in the hearts of stars, and the first supermassive stars probably had lifespans measured...