Recent content by Dr Bugsy

  1. Dr Bugsy

    Three big threats to satellites — and what to do about them (op-ed)

    Musk is putting up to 30,000 more satellites in orbit but no mention of that?
  2. Dr Bugsy

    Cold as (lunar) ice: Protecting the moon's polar regions from contamination

    Artemis should choose the best qualified people. I do not care for qualification criteria based on gender, color, religion, political affiliation, etc.
  3. Dr Bugsy

    What does the Pentagon's new UFO task force mean? Experts weigh in.

    Unidentified means just that. It does not mean aliens.
  4. Dr Bugsy

    Death Valley tops 130 F, setting possible global heat record

    The chart in the article shows that it was 134 degrees in 1918.
  5. Dr Bugsy

    SpaceX launches 58 Star satellites and 3 SkySats, sticks rocket landing

    Will Elon Musk be remember as the man that polluted the night sky?