Recent content by Dragrath

  1. Dragrath

    No, the Big Bang theory is not 'broken.' Here's how we know.

    Yeah the paper by Matthew Kleban and Leonardo Senatore looked into the large scale limit for an inhomogenous and anisotropic universe and frankly there are some remarkable and fascinating results in terms of irreducible nonlinearities which naturally emerge if one doesn't artificially constrain...
  2. Dragrath

    DART's epic asteroid crash: What NASA has learned 5 months later

    Based on the images that the cube sat camera that got released before the impact to see the results up close the dynamics in the impacted body the brief glimpses of post impact behavior were definitely far more complex with what look to be eruptions of material appearing to radiate out all over...
  3. Dragrath

    No, the Big Bang theory is not 'broken.' Here's how we know.

    Well yes though it is notably a more tricky thing to do that it looks since space in the nonlinear limits doesn't behave as simply particularly in the sense that the rate of expansion in general becomes a higher rank tensor without the simplifying assumptions , or rather the rate of expansion...
  4. Dragrath

    No, the Big Bang theory is not 'broken.' Here's how we know.

    So there is a lot of conservation that has been here(for this site) that I might be able to shed some light on regards to how assumptions come into play and the difference between the standard model of cosmology and the Einstein field equations which sadly many physicists and cosmologists aren't...
  5. Dragrath

    Massive 'forbidden planet' orbits a strangely tiny star only 4 times its

    This is a good question which as evidence for disk instability driven direct collapse as a dominant mode of large planetesimal formation grows both within our solar system and in young protoplanetary systems observed by long baseline interferometry the difference between planet and star is...
  6. Dragrath

    'Planet factories' may explain mysterious diversity of super-Earth alien worlds

    Well orbital dynamics are chaotic in nature and the more bodies in a system the more unstable it will generally be in particular this can be countered by orbital alignments there seems to be resonance or near resonances which likely help stabilize the solar system's current arrangement so I...
  7. Dragrath

    'Planet factories' may explain mysterious diversity of super-Earth alien worlds

    I see that spike still appears with that data set not sure what the error bars there are and the effect of binning but the radius spike for young planets appears there. Curious what higher resolution would bring? I haven't seen good numbers on the hydration of the mantle in terms of heat...
  8. Dragrath

    'One of the greatest damn mysteries of physics': We studied distant suns in the most precise astronomical test of electromagnetism yet

    I would think so personally but the key thing for doing good science though is you need to keep in mind potential sources of bias which could influence results meaning you should prepare for the possibility of bias to at the very least rule it out if possible. Scientists are human thus we suffer...
  9. Dragrath

    'Planet factories' may explain mysterious diversity of super-Earth alien worlds

    Well the lack of masses for most planets tells me they were discovered via the transit method and follow up radial velocity analysis is either not possible at current precision or has not yet been done. In the context of initial simulations yeah there are huge biases probably the most glaring...
  10. Dragrath

    Theories on Neptune temp change?

    In the context of the observed changes beyond just seasonal shifts its important to note that you can get shifts from internal dynamical cycles such as El Nino/La Nina related to rates of ocean overturning in the Pacific. Given that Neptune's main heat source appears to be primarily internal I...
  11. Dragrath

    'Planet factories' may explain mysterious diversity of super-Earth alien worlds

    Regarding the explanations behind the diversity of exoplanets its also probably important to account for the innate biases in our assumptions and models for planet formation we also have to factor in planet evolution as well since there is pretty strong evidence that the conditions on Venus...
  12. Dragrath

    'One of the greatest damn mysteries of physics': We studied distant suns in the most precise astronomical test of electromagnetism yet

    Not necessarily after all the evidence we have that alpha isn't constant always comes from particle accelerators which seems to suggest the strength of alpha is energy dependent at least at the high energies of quark gluon plasma, if there is an energy dependence than selection of stars based on...
  13. Dragrath

    'One of the greatest damn mysteries of physics': We studied distant suns in the most precise astronomical test of electromagnetism yet

    Its tricky to define the Sun's solar relatives after all as far as we can tell relatively massive "lower mass stars, i.e. F and G type main sequence stars, like our Sun only form in dense star formation clusters the type where very massive stars form something we have evidence to support in...
  14. Dragrath

    Gravity and expansion

    Hmm this seems to have been an interesting thread some good questions here particularly the bit on whether we can treat time as passing at the same rate, (quite simply you can not) after all remember that its called General Relativity for a reason there are some important nuances that I think...
  15. Dragrath

    Violations of the Second Law of Thermodynamics

    Ok you seem to be making a big deal about this but one thing that tends to get missed is that we now know that the second law of thermodynamics is a consequence of information theory that is to say it is the criteria needed to be able to in principal reconstruct the past state of a system...