Recent content by Eddie young boulder

  1. E

    Big Bang theory contradicts both Special and General relativity

    I'm sorry but I don't mean to be rude in any way but why is it that everybody that tries to prove Einstein's theories wrong come out to find out that they are right in the end
  2. E

    Black holes are mysterious, yet also deceptively simple − a new space mission may help physicists answer hairy questions about these astronomical o...

    WWell how about this wouldn't you consider traveling through the black hole would be a shortcut from one Universe to another dad said that make total sense post any comments
  3. E

    Dark matter

  4. E

    Dark matter

    I've had people ask me last night how come the eclipse is going to be moving west to east and they said because the sun and the moon go west
  5. E

    Dark matter

    Dark matter is actually a dark living creature looking around just outside of our catching a glimpse of it let me put it to you this way you ever see something out of the corner of your eye that you thought you saw but you weren't quite sure
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    Dark matter

    Face junk should have in space junk now I've got to blame that on Google laugh out loud Google Chat
  7. E

    Dark matter

    Thanks for the invite I did respond too your question hope that helps you understand Dark Matter a little better I've been preaching dark matter for years
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    Dark matter

    Dark Matter comes in all forms when I said it's not ready to reveal itself okay it's because it's still trying to figure out what humans are really up to the scientist s are still trying to figure out Dark Matter themselves and they're coming up with different kinds of experiments to try to...
  9. E

    Dark matter

    I have been preaching Dark Matter does exist all around us if if the the people searching for it focus in on it they will see it it's not ready to reveal itself yet come on now they're telling that last week it doesn't matter doesn't exist this week they're coming up with some new experiments to...