Recent content by El Hado Helado

  1. El Hado Helado

    New recipe for gravity could unite Einstein's general relativity with quantum physics — and probe the dark universe

    Yes, without matter, space and time do not exist, but the image of something, let's say, an Universe with the shape of a ball, a Mobius strip, a Saddle hanging somewhere or in the air or ether could be an inner apriorism of our sensitivity, our senses. Blessings +
  2. El Hado Helado

    New recipe for gravity could unite Einstein's general relativity with quantum physics — and probe the dark universe

    Is there a need to look for a cause of universe expansion different to Laws of Perfect Gases, by Boyle-Mariotte, Gay-Lussac et al? If you put inside an empty space a ball of extremely dense and extremely hot matter, and matter can't be compressed smaller than the size of 'Strings', if string...
  3. El Hado Helado

    New recipe for gravity could unite Einstein's general relativity with quantum physics — and probe the dark universe

    There are some concept issues in article and comments: Please provide a definition of what the heck the force is. Something must exist that moves masses, but from its effects you can deduct only that 'force' exists. Is the same 'the force' than the 'Orgon', than the 'Animal magnetism', than...
  4. El Hado Helado


    Déjà vu is a byproduct of how our brain stores and retrieves data, and how it links one info to another info. It has no clinical signification.
  5. El Hado Helado

    Dark matter is more valuable than gold': Wobbly galaxies help shine a light on the universe's strangest stuff

    What you call 'Standard model'?, please describe how do you summarize it, I'd say is a conjecture. Simply, dark matter does not exist, part of discussions about this may have roots in astrophysicists trying to continue in receiving funding for writing speculative papers, those who make fund...
  6. El Hado Helado

    Dark matter is more valuable than gold': Wobbly galaxies help shine a light on the universe's strangest stuff

    If density of matter in outer space is two protons per cubic meter: What is the number of photons crossing that cubic meter, or a more appropriate dimension, in a certain time? From this, what are chances of photon-proton clashes, or of the Breit-Wheeler events, or the photon-photon clashes...
  7. El Hado Helado

    Dark matter is more valuable than gold': Wobbly galaxies help shine a light on the universe's strangest stuff

    Thus, you support my proposal, there is no dark matter, as a matter of fact, all matter is dark (Pink Floyd) Simply, we don't see it because of its low density, not interacting with light in a visible grade. Danke! Gesund +
  8. El Hado Helado

    Dark matter is more valuable than gold': Wobbly galaxies help shine a light on the universe's strangest stuff

    Dark matter more valuable than Gold? Who has a torch to look for mining it? Who will buy this terrible hoax? How much per oz? What has more practical uses, Dark Matter or BitCoin?
  9. El Hado Helado

    Question Jet using methane as fuel

    China launched recently into orbit a rocket powered with Methane, CH4. Yes, it's possible using methane, also ammonia, as fuel, let's see what happens. Blessings +
  10. El Hado Helado

    How many multiverses are there?

    A 1978 book by J J Benítez '100.000 km tras los OVNI' , '60000 miles after UFOs', includes a quotation from a pretended interview with a 'flying saucer' crew, when asked: 'Do you believe in God?', he said: 'We believe in the almighty force which controls 13 billion universes' Well, string theory...
  11. El Hado Helado

    Question Infinity or not infinity that is the question.

    Universe had a beginning, it will have an end, several types are proposed: elements burning into fire; an expansion, until everything is near absolute zero, no work possible: 'the outer darkness'; a Big Crunch, into a Giant Black Hole, where matter can't be compressed below the size of strings...
  12. El Hado Helado

    Is humanity prepared for contact with intelligent aliens?

    As pointed, some aliens can be invaders, there are hints the Spaceship in 'Rendezvous with Rama' could be a real object, a galley of vampires. No alien is in the Politics Business, No one is a Preacher, No one is in the Show Business, some Share technologies with us, namely NMR, but not the...
  13. El Hado Helado

    Is humanity prepared for contact with intelligent aliens?

    'What will you believe: What I told you, or what your blind eyes have seen?' (Groucho Marx, Duck's soup, 1933) Who is sure we haven't had contacts with alien yet? Not to Heavens, but up, up and away in the sky. Please have a look at If some wait for a Press Conférence...
  14. El Hado Helado

    NASA astronaut will celebrate Hanukkah in space with felt menorah

    What a peculiar mix! A man, claiming being Iranian, celebrates a feast with the Menorah, a Babylon symbol, uptaken by hebrew, that could symbolyze the many universes existing from a single shaft or sprout, it has 7 arms, '7' in hebrew culture meaning 'many, many' You know 'hexagram' never was...
  15. El Hado Helado

    Question Infinity or not infinity that is the question.

    Universes are not infinite, even if you consider it a Moebius Strip. Btw: Is there a verge of Universe?