Recent content by Galumph

  1. Galumph

    X-ray telescope catches 'spider pulsars' devouring stars like cosmic black widows (image)

    Might want to check your articles for ads--I got one overlaid on the picture, and when I tried to X it out I ended up opening the ad. Tried it several times to confirm the X opens the link. Great article, but making advertising deals with shady ads just makes Live Science look like the worst...
  2. Galumph

    Asteroids in the solar system could contain undiscovered, superheavy elements

    All great points. Hypothesizing there to be super heavy elements in the Island of Stability within asteroids is wishful thinking. It's likely that if there were amalgamations of large quantities of these elements, they would form a critical mass and would quickly cease to exist in that form...