Recent content by Gary Brown

  1. G

    Voyager 1: Earth's farthest spacecraft

    Great Voyager 1 article - but, please, it's Neil Armstrong, not Neal !!!!!
  2. G

    James Webb Space Telescope has unfolded 1st wing of massive golden mirror

    I love that the Webb team still refer to "port" and "starboard" wings of the mirror!
  3. G

    Why doesn't the James Webb Space Telescope have any cameras onboard?

    So, I was initially wondering if the sunward side of the shield is what could - possibly..... - be picked up by another scope. The business side of the Webb is of course intentionally as locally light-free as possible, and thus all-but-invisible.
  4. G

    Why doesn't the James Webb Space Telescope have any cameras onboard?

    Great, informative article, as ever. Question - is there any other earth / orbit based telescope that could capture a "natural" image of the Webb, or is it simply too small and dim? Gary B.
  5. G

    How to debate a flat-Earther

    Another aspect is that many people who "follow the science" do so as a matter of belief, rather than a matter of command of the details and the arguments. And so folks like the flat-earthers enjoy exposing the lack of real knowledge amongst the sphericals! I recent sat with a group of people...