Gibsense's latest activity

  • Gibsense
    Gibsense replied to the thread Infinity.
    I would agree but only if 'space' in a geometrical sense replaced 'universe' in your sentence. It seems to me that nothing is nothing...
  • Gibsense
    Gibsense replied to the thread Are Black Holes Hyperspheric?.
    The event horizon surface is 2 dimensional and encloses 3D space. A hypersphere's surface is 3 dimensional and encloses 4D space...
  • Gibsense
    It's important to understand that a black hole is not the star itself. The event horizon results from the star's gravity, while the...
  • Gibsense
    Gibsense replied to the thread Infinity.
    I don't think infinity exists. If we think about 4D topology, mathematicians - for example - state that 3D links in a chain can be...
  • Gibsense
    Gibsense reacted to Atlan0001's post in the thread Infinity with Like Like.
    I should say, using that multi-dimensionality of time geometry, how the superluminal can exist without really being superluminal, a...
  • Gibsense
    Gibsense reacted to Catastrophe's post in the thread Infinity with Like Like.
    A (D + 1) knows that. A (D) can only guess. Cat :)
  • Gibsense
    Gibsense replied to the thread Infinity.
    The idea of a "closed universe" is like imagining the universe as a giant loop where you'd eventually end up where you started if you...
  • Gibsense
    Gibsense replied to the thread Infinity.
    Not true. You are wrong unless you have taken a bread loaf divided into an infinite number of pieces and fed an infinite number of...
  • Gibsense
    Gibsense reacted to Catastrophe's post in the thread Infinity with Like Like.
    Gibsense, When you play serious chess, like I did, at County, or even serious club, levels, you have to write down all your moves. You...
  • Gibsense
    Gibsense reacted to Catastrophe's post in the thread Infinity with Like Like.
    Infinity is not a number. Cat :)
  • Gibsense
    Gibsense replied to the thread On the nature of light.
    I skimmed through the PDF on the nature of light in relation to Augmented Newtonian Dynamics. While I'm only a retired Supply Chain...
  • Gibsense
    Gibsense replied to the thread Infinity.
    Wow, you know your stuff for chess. I have never counted the moves before a piece is taken but if I had it would be less than 10
  • Gibsense
    Gibsense replied to the thread Infinity.
    Hey this is the same as my simpler diagram posted often to show how we might misinterprete Dark Energy. Interesting.
  • Gibsense
    Gibsense replied to the thread Infinity.
    Atlan, no we have crossed wires! Time is generally perceived as a positive, forward-moving process. However, when it moves in the...
  • Gibsense
    Gibsense replied to the thread Infinity.
    Ok, but even so instead of 123456789 you get 2 4 6 8 etc which is a different infinity That is twice as big, lol And there are then an...