Recent content by Gry

  1. Gry

    Time being an illusion vs. free will

    Our perception of time, appears to be an illusion. The possibility of travelling to the future, has apparently already been proven with a particle, and more and more points in the direction of what we experience as past, present and future, in reality takes place at the same time (in the lack...
  2. Gry

    Giveaway Win a Celestron - 114LCM Computerized Newtonian Telescope

    Mercury may not be the hottest place in the solar system, but it's most definitely the planet with the biggest span in temperature! It's 'day-side' reaches temperatures of up to 427 degrees C (witch according to my calculator should be equal to 800 F). while the night temperature gets as low as...
  3. Gry

    Anti-matter fountains

    I just came across a documentary where I learned that anti-matter actually seems to be produced in what's being referred to as 'anti-matter fountains' that is to be found close to the centre of the galaxy. There seems to be a great deal of unsolved mysteries surrounding the phenomena, though, so...
  4. Gry

    What is the safest place in our solar system to store an archive of human existence?

    I'd put my money on Titan, as the only place where it's shielded from radiation
  5. Gry

    The 'big rip' should end in a new beginning (singularis)

    Assuming 'the big freeze' eventually will end in 'the big rip', where space-time itself is being ripped apart.. For what I can see, would that scenario have to end in a new singularis ready to blow up in another 'big bang'. That because no matter how huge the universe would be at that point...