Recent content by Helmer

  1. Helmer

    Can anyone help me figure this out?

    @notme - what you describe sounds a lot like a flare or meteor burning up in the atmosphere, heading approximately towards where you were standing. Though not sure, i do believe a meteor burning up wouldn't exist for 30 seconds, leaving a flare as a possibility. However, I've only seen flares...
  2. Helmer

    Question Why can’t we go to Pluto?

    Can you expand on that? I never could wrap my head around the whole speed thing - isn't it relative? I.e. moving away from point A (i.e. earth) towards point B - so the speed is relative to the object you started from. But how should that affects life? Earth is moving at a staggering speed of...
  3. Helmer

    Question Why can’t we go to Pluto?

    Robots do have problems with these things. Too hot, they overheat or even melt. Too cold and their mechanical joints freeze up - oil in the hydraulics gets too thick. Radiation affects circuitry, solar radiation even affects computers here on earth - that's why we have Error Correction Code...
  4. Helmer

    Question Why can’t we go to Pluto?

    Difficult question. Can we send a rocket to Pluto with passengers onboard? Probably. Will they arrive 19 years later, all in good mental and physical health? Unlikely.
  5. Helmer

    Ask Me Anything AMA with Dr. Joe Pesce

    Is it possible that there is variations in the density of the higgs field, resulting in fluctuations in the weight of mass depending on where in space the mass is? If so, could this explain the deviations we observe and currently explain with dark matter?