Recent content by Herb

  1. Herb

    Boeing's Starliner spacecraft software passes qualification review for next NASA test flight

    Why? As in, why does this program still exist? SpaceX is so far ahead, and operates so much more efficiently, what is the point of spending one more hour or dollar on this spacecraft? Why does the USA need two totally different craft of exactly the same capability for exactly the same...
  2. Herb

    NASA astronaut Jeanette Epps to make rookie spaceflight aboard Boeing's Starliner

    Can anyone explain why the Starliner program is not scrapped, right now? Why waste another dollar? Crew Dragon does the job, Starliner adds zero capability and all kinds of costs. Re-purpose the money or just burn it- still a better decision than bringing this useless lump all the way into...
  3. Herb

    Boeing's Starliner Fails to Reach Correct Orbit En Route to Space Station

    Looks like a software problem. If true, Boeing may have to rethink how they code and test. But this event really highlights the existential futility of the Boeing program. SpaceX is so far ahead that even after prospective years of toil and treasure, Boeing will have something less robust...