Recent content by Ibrahimfahad

  1. Ibrahimfahad

    Moon Exploration

    Please advise any video link about Latest Moon exploration.
  2. Ibrahimfahad

    Giveaway This Month's Giveaway is All About Mars and Perseverance! - Winner Announced!

    People in this thread are talking about Neptune, Uranus. . . I love to read or watch more about Moon and Red Planet. . guys please suggest and any good video or text.
  3. Ibrahimfahad

    Introduce yourself! (And show us your swag)

    Hi, This is Ibrahim Fahad, Red Planet and Moon fascinates me alot, i love to read and watch info about these . we are lucky to be going through an Era of Opportunity Rover and Now Perseverance.
  4. Ibrahimfahad

    In the forums this week: Perseverance prizes, exploration and breaking theories!

    I have been following, Landing of opportunity rover and now Perseverance Rover. Very excited to know new exploration. Red planet and even Moon has been fascinating me.