Recent content by Joel

  1. Joel

    Can anyone help me figure this out?

    I've had a similar experience. My wife can't go to sleep at night until I've finished my pole routine. She likes to video them each night, and when I have to work overnight, she will pull them out which helps her reach a state of contentment where she is able to relax and drift off. A few years...
  2. Joel

    Fusion experiment smashes record for generating energy, takes us a step closer to a new source of power

    Helio, I would like to thank you for not crucifying me like some politically correct fellow workers do at my job. It's refreshing to have a conversation and not be told I'm some kind of science denier while I use science to perform my duties at my job. Please don't ask where I work, but I can...
  3. Joel

    Fusion experiment smashes record for generating energy, takes us a step closer to a new source of power

    Well here's an objective argument for it possibly being beyond mankind's capability to produce a sustained fusion reaction. Due to the minimal ability for mankind to recreate the incredible magnetic field capable within a star, thus mankind's inability to replicate the incredible pressures...
  4. Joel

    Fusion experiment smashes record for generating energy, takes us a step closer to a new source of power

    I'm not debating the advantages of a fusion energy source. The key aspect is power consumption minus the output. We're not even close to generating more power than what is being consumed. You proclaimed that they were "doing it," but in reality they're not. They can't control it and they...
  5. Joel

    Fusion experiment smashes record for generating energy, takes us a step closer to a new source of power

    Helio, "A relatively small room" when compared to the sun still translates into a massive containment here on Earth. Then the problem of containing 100,000,000 degrees Celsius is truly daunting. In addition, you also mentioned gamma radiation, but there is also massive amounts of x-rays...
  6. Joel

    Fusion experiment smashes record for generating energy, takes us a step closer to a new source of power

    Fusion energy is often touted as a completely safe form of energy that doesn't produce the radiation associated with fission energy. However, we know the sun produces extremely harmful radiation that requires astronauts to protect themselves when they are in space. My questions are these. If...
  7. Joel

    Can anyone help me figure this out?

    While everyone is looking at astronomical events to explain phenomenon that definitely appear to be unusual when first observed, there could also be medical explanations. Some abnormalities occurring in the brain or within the eyes could possibly account for your observances. Blood vessels...
  8. Joel

    What would happen next after an 'intervention-type' alien first contact

    Yes. We have a bounty of liquid water. While scientist believe it to be common throughout the galaxy, I think they don't know as much as they think they do. Over the last 10 years so much of what they thought they knew has been proven incorrect.
  9. Joel

    Question How feasible is it now or in the near future to have atomic or molecular beams to transport simple material to the ISS?

    Collecting random atomic material floating in space is an interesting thought. However, it seems to me that the lack of atmosphere is an example of just how sparse these atoms ultimately are. I think trying to collect this material on ultra cold surfaces presents problems of its own...
  10. Joel

    Ask Me Anything AMA with the NSF's Dr. Dave Boboltz

    While many in the scientific community seem to be in agreement concerning climate change/global warming, there are some who disagree with the assertions that global warming is man made. I have some concerns with the way some of the data is presented, and the conclusions those who assert man...
  11. Joel

    Roads on Mars?

    This looks similar to (for lack of a better term) holes in pluff mud. In the marshes around Charleston, SC (and I'm sure marshes everywhere) small marine life will burrow in the mud. Air pockets are created beneath the mud, but when they escape they leave small indentations in the mud. I...
  12. Joel

    How to debate a flat-Earther

    The best way to debate a Flat Earther is to put them in a Tesla convertible strapped to a rocket and shoot them into deep space. They will then see the majesty of the Universe as it truly is, and we won't have to listen to their denials.
  13. Joel

    Can anyone help me figure this out?

    Sprites occur to quickly so I don't think it's that.
  14. Joel

    Can anyone help me figure this out?

    It might help if we knew your location and the date this occurred.
  15. Joel

    Feature What is your favourite space memory?

    "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." Watched it live on a black and white TV sitting next to my dad on the sofa. I was almost 6.