Recent content by JSNardello

  1. JSNardello

    Ask Me Anything AMA with Astrophysicist Dr. Joe Pesce!

    Hey Dr Joe We have just seen images of the black hole in M87 from multiple telescopes and they are fantastic. The relativistic jet exploding out of the SMBH has polarized lines in it with the signature of magnetic fields. Could they be the space-time continuum?
  2. JSNardello

    Ask Me Anything AMA with Astrophysicist Dr. Joe Pesce!

    Dr. Joe P., This is more fun than a barrel of monkeys. When electromagnetism and gravity are combined into a single framework, can we solve the mystery of the most prevalent force with Gravity equals Mass times Speed of electromagnetic waves squared?
  3. JSNardello

    Ask Me Anything AMA with Astrophysicist Dr. Joe Pesce!

    Th Thank you! I believe gravitational waves are electromagnetic.
  4. JSNardello

    Ask Me Anything AMA with Astrophysicist Dr. Joe Pesce!

    Hi Joe Black holes can hold entire galaxies in form and the speed of gravity is roughly as fast as the speed of electromagnetic waves squared. So could gravity, as one of the four forces in our standard model of particle physics be limited to our universe?
  5. JSNardello

    Spinning Black Holes

    Paul Sutter said spiral shaped galaxies are formed by encounters with far away waves of density yet the familiar looking patterns look like a spinning pinwheel on the boardwalk. Most galaxies our not random or spherical they are flat with beautifully formed shapes that appear to rotate around a...
  6. JSNardello

    Relativistic Jets

    We have just seen images of the black hole in M87 from multiple telescopes and they are fantastic. The relativistic jet exploding out of the SMBH has polarized lines in it with the signature of magnetic fields. Could they be the space-time continuum?
  7. JSNardello

    Mysterious GammaRay heartbeat detected from cosmic gas clowns

    Pulsating jets shoot out of a black hole and power the heartbeat of cosmic gas clouds in 100 light year rhythm. If that energy travels at C^2 then the timing would be reduced to only five hours. As a drummer, I can feel that.