Recent content by karlp295

  1. karlp295

    Pentagon releases its long-awaited 2022 UFO report

    The US government has always taken UFOs seriously but caught to distract us with misinformation and ridcule so that we don't take it seriously. Things are slowly beginning to change which is very positive. Time for some disclosure.
  2. karlp295

    What would it take to falsify the "big bang" model of cosmology?

    It takes more than observations, of which many are needed, and "facts" which are extrapolated from observations to confirm that a theory is wrong. There is always resistance from the scientific community when a theory is so widely accepted. It will take time and much scientific observation and...
  3. karlp295

    See the moon and Venus dance together in Wednesday evening's sky

    I've got clear skies and I must say this is a wonderful sight! I wish the clouds will part for you too so you can witness this for yourself.
  4. karlp295

    The James Webb Space Telescope discovers enormous distant galaxies that should not exist

    All this speculation and in time we will develop new theories that get closer to reality, whatever that is. We are always mostly wrong and it is normal that theories will change. One day I am hopeful that we will begin to understand about creation which we know nothing about at present.
  5. karlp295

    Why does SETI require this?

    I really wonder why any aliens would send a repeatable signal. If they are far advanced in terms of technology they must have solved many issues we haven't such as the answer to the question of alien life out there and would therefore be aware of the risks of sending messages to others. It is...
  6. karlp295

    Why does SETI require this?

    One thing that has not been mentioned but seems fairly important, is that the most important aspect to all this is having the technology to detect and analyse an alien signal. This may answer the Fermi Paradox because we just may not be able to recognize or find those signals yet and even if we...
  7. karlp295

    Why does SETI require this?

    I've been wondering about SETI's requirement that a signal must repeat before it is considered as proof of an alien or artificial source. If a signal, and we have apparently received several, does not repeat could it not be worth further investigation?
  8. karlp295

    Introduce yourself! (And show us your swag)

    Hi all, been posting for about a week and was impressed with the level of knowledge on this forum. I'd like to introduce myself... I am Karl and I am an amateur astrophotographer. You can check out some of my best images on My Instagram. My space interests are obviously astrophotography but I...
  9. karlp295

    Why haven't aliens contacted Earth? New Fermi Paradox analysis suggests we're not that interesting yet

    We are basically hypothesizing without enough information. I believe, but don't know for sure, that aliens are either already here observing or that they visited in the past. If we take everything our governments say to us at face value and do not question, we deduce we have no signs of aliens...
  10. karlp295

    At a powerful radio telescope, the hunt for signals from intelligent extraterrestrial life is on

    Is there any real reason to believe that if there are intelligent beings out there, and I believe there must be, why would they use radio to communicate?
  11. karlp295


    Time is something we cannot understand at the present time. We can speculate, but we don't know if we can travel backwards. Until we do know one way or the other for sure we should all remain open-minded. Since a kid I have always thought that maybe ALL times can coexist simultaneously but...
  12. karlp295

    Super rare pink and orange auroras surprise Norwegian skywatchers again

    Friends have just moved to Molde in Norway and I plan one day soon to go there and see the Aurora for myself for the first time. This has always been one of my astronomical ambitions!
  13. karlp295

    Fusion power success

    Converting mass into energy, OK I get it. The laws of physics are intact! Just kidding.
  14. karlp295

    What Exactly Was this.. Any Solution Yet?

    What exactly was the Christmas Star that they all followed? Speculation has been rife for centuries but has anyone actually come close to solving this yet? I have my theories but what do you think? What is the astronomical object that caused this or is it beyond science? Just asking as it is...