Recent content by kev72

  1. kev72

    'Star Trek: Strange New Worlds' showrunners reveal origins of that historic (and epic) musical episode

    Formed my opinion *before I saw any polls, in fact it was near instantaneous when they broke out into ridiculous song. I imagine most others formed it before voting as well. Always interesting to see if an episode is infamous or famous. Nice try though.
  2. kev72

    'Star Trek: Strange New Worlds' showrunners reveal origins of that historic (and epic) musical episode

    FYI this is the lowest rated episode this season by fans on IMDB and the second lowest rated episode of the entire series.
  3. kev72

    'Star Trek: Strange New Worlds' showrunners reveal origins of that historic (and epic) musical episode

    I don't know anyone who liked this episode. I was ultra cringe. Yes some of them are very talented but really it felt like an audition for Bollywood.