Recent content by Lord Hung

  1. Lord Hung

    Don't expect NASA's 1st Artemis astronauts to drive on the moon in a fancy lunar car

    All the Apollo lunar missions carried several film cameras, some quite large so cameras will not be a problem. Binoculars can be used from inside the spacecraft but outside I don't know, maybe an electronic hookup?
  2. Lord Hung

    Don't expect NASA's 1st Artemis astronauts to drive on the moon in a fancy lunar car

    Just like he was gonna land on Mars in 2018?!
  3. Lord Hung

    How To Can Sound Be Heard In Space?

    Did you even read the article?
  4. Lord Hung

    Satellite images show Iran's mass graves for coronavirus victims

    Tell the truth neither did I, seems odd to have a fraction in there. I knew the CFL was wider, I kinda like the larger field, it really opens the game up.
  5. Lord Hung

    Satellite images show Iran's mass graves for coronavirus victims

    Well I have to be a pedantic d ouche and point out it's 53 1/3 yards! A CFL field is 65 yards though!
  6. Lord Hung

    Coronavirus pandemic forces US Space Force and SpaceX to delay GPS satellite launch

    It's amazing how far GPS has advanced and become ingrained in our world. Without the theory of relativity they wouldn't even work. Amazing stuff.
  7. Lord Hung

    Committee waves off landing Apollo lunar module on new $1 coin

    It means it was disallowed, rejected.
  8. Lord Hung

    We're T-minus 4 years to the next Great American Solar Eclipse in 2024

    I am going to try to get a room at Niagra Falls, it's risky to anchor there but my God what a sight it will be! Did you do the last one? I live in Columbus, OH and we went down to KY about an hour from Memphis, not one cloud in the sky! Incredible! Unfortunately for 2 and a half minutes of...
  9. Lord Hung

    A Mercury probe flies by Earth tonight. Here's how to hitch a VR ride (and maybe see it, too!)

    If the skies clear I am going to whip out my 70mm "arm buster" binocs and give it a shot!
  10. Lord Hung

    Astronauts share isolation workout tips from space (video)

    Gotta say if I was on the ISS and she was willing I would happily join the 200 mile high club!
  11. Lord Hung

    Trump signs executive order to support moon mining, tap asteroid resources

    Nothing in that treaty bans the exploitation of celestial bodies, only that one nation cannot came sovereign rights over it. Exploitation of minerals etc. may occur even if it causes bruised snowflakes a serious case of btthurt!
  12. Lord Hung

    Committee waves off landing Apollo lunar module on new $1 coin

    We are two peoples separated by a common language !
  13. Lord Hung

    Interstellar Comet Borisov is no longer in one piece

    You might be on to something. It's a strange coincidence that the Corona virus started right when this came by, quite a coincidence...
  14. Lord Hung

    Production of NASA's new X-59 supersonic jet continues amid coronavirus outbreak

    It is permitted under The Transportation Systems Sector in aviation.