Recent content by Macrocompassion

  1. M

    Where is the center of the universe?

    How are we to know that the rate of expansion of the universe is the same in every direction? This is the usual assumption, but if it is slower in particular directions this would suggest that its center was further from this direction than from places that has a greater speed of change..
  2. M

    Where is the center of the universe?

    Does the visible edge of the universe disappear at the same rate regardless of which direction one looks? Should this not be the case it is possible to determine the position where it first began.
  3. M

    Where is the center of the universe?

    Its not time that flies but that we ourselves that pass through it. Relative velocity does not help here because we have no measure of the speed of time itself and are therefore forced to think in terms of it standing still.
  4. M

    Question Why We Haven’t Met Any Aliens Yet?

    What makes us think that extra-terrestrials are alien to our ways? Perhaps they find us so similar to themselves that they are simply not interested!
  5. M

    Question Why We Haven’t Met Any Aliens Yet?

    We haven't yet met any aliens because there are none. However the participating life-forms that have visited our planet are seeking friend-ship not alien-ship. Also they are a bit shy of starting trouble with our military forces because the way we behave is strange to them and vice-versa. From...