Recent content by PlanetMan

  1. P

    Monetizing Space skeptics in space???
  2. P

    Monetizing Space

    okay....let's pretend that I understand the value of these metals....the harvested ones. Wanna explain to me how you get your thin walled container up there and place an asteroid in it? And I have no idea what it takes to vaporize the asteroid...but will your thin walled container survive the...
  3. P

    Monetizing Space

    How is the vaporized metal captured or contained? is it vaporized withing the so called magnetic field...w/o damaging or harming the field? But most importantly...who is funding this? who benefits from this? and by the we continue to grow all of "our" efforts in space....what...
  4. P

    How environmentally friendly is SpaceX's Starship?

    Well....what is clear...Unclear, is that you don't know much. reusable vehicles do NOTHING to reduce the carbon emissions of a rocket launch. If for example a rocket is has a carbon footprint based on its efficiency to turn its fuel into energy that propels the vehicle and...
  5. P

    How environmentally friendly is SpaceX's Starship? you don't understand what projectionism is? Calling an environmentalist a terrorist is simply so insane. In your mind someone with concerns for our planet and atmosphere is a terrorist because they voice a care and concern for how others (let's call them profiteers) may impact our...
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    How environmentally friendly is SpaceX's Starship?

    However, Do you not have any concerns whatsoever with the environmental impacts of launching rockets into space? Cars and busses etc have exhaust systems built into them, coal plants also (now) have systems to attempt to clean or mitigate their exhaust and thereby their impacts on our...
  7. P

    How environmentally friendly is SpaceX's Starship? can you be so naively ignorant as to say this? We (as in all people and animals on the planet) have to live with the consequences of pollution. Are you happy for instance that smokers are not permitted to smoke on planes, in restaurants and bars much anymore? I know I prefer not...