Recent content by Pogo

  1. Pogo

    Why didn't Michael Collins take any photograph or footage of space while going over the dark side of the moon?

    I think Matt was speaking of taking pictures at any location during nighttime. But, it would still require a long exposure to get stars to show up decently.
  2. Pogo

    Pluto TV will rally to make Pluto a planet again on April 1 (it's no joke)

    And the current generation forgets that Ceres and a few other bodies discovered in the early 19th century were considered planets until they realized that there were many in the same vicinity between Mars and Jupiter. Should Ceres also be considered a planet? What about those objects discovered...
  3. Pogo

    Is it possible to see 33 satellites in a row in the course of 15 min?

    There have been a number of Starlink launches where many satellites are orbited in one launch. You are probably seeing them for some period of time after launch. They will look just that, a bunch of ducks in a row. Eventually, the orbits will disburse.
  4. Pogo

    Big, dead satellite's crash was a space-junk wakeup call, experts say

    I’ve often thought “What about all the material that vaporizes in the atmosphere, now we have many elements and compounds as vapors in what we’re breathing that was not intended to be there. Early in the Shuttle program, it was noted that they have found micro spheres of aluminum oxide in the...
  5. Pogo

    Exoplanet Stats

    Ah, I realized that the inclination is not in reference to the star’s equator, but, to the Earth’s line of site. Naturally, a lower inclination would not allow for occultation, it would pass above or below. I imagine that eccentricity would be limited, at very high eccentricities, allowing for a...
  6. Pogo

    Question Earth Moon Origin

    Problem is, that if the Earth were to spin fast enough to throw off a moon-size blob because that area reached escape velocity, as the blob ascends, the escape velocity decreases with altitude, the blob continues to ascend to never return. There is nothing to slow it down to orbital speed from...
  7. Pogo

    Question Jet using methane as fuel

    I understand that Blue Origin’s New Glenn will also burn methane.
  8. Pogo

    Need scifi movie recommendations

    For future, any Star Trek, or Star Wars, Star Trek being my favorite. For current or near current, Apollo 13 the best, The Martian right up there.
  9. Pogo

    It's good! Space station astronauts toss football in orbit for Super Bowl 2024 (video)

    Good until they smash a screen or trash a cable!🫣
  10. Pogo

    Not dead yet: Japan prepares for possible recovery of SLIM moon lander

    Hopefully, since the panels are on the side, that it can get a wee bit of power from sunlight reflected from the ground.
  11. Pogo

    How do we know what the Milky Way looks like?

    Sorta like guessing the size and shape of a vast forest from the viewpoint of a sparrow living on one branch of one tree.
  12. Pogo

    1st photo from crippled private Peregrine moon lander holds clue to anomaly

    The light source is likely the Sun, and any additional is likely sunlight reflected from parts of the spacecraft. Streaks may be camera artifacts, the larger spot is probably the tip of something on the spacecraft, the remainder of that in shadow. The faint white spot may be a star. -
  13. Pogo

    Cooling glass' could fight climate change by reflecting solar radiation back into space

    I wonder if this would have an adverse effect on pilots, highly reflective surfaces blinding those in the air.
  14. Pogo

    Cooling glass' could fight climate change by reflecting solar radiation back into space

    If this stuff is durable as a road surface, we could just paint this stuff on blacktop and concrete surfaces.