Recent content by RGClark

  1. RGClark

    Astronaut who spent 197 days on the ISS shows how hard it is to walk on Earth again.

    This is why we need fast flights to Mars. Counterintuitive fact: it’s actually EASIER than doing a long, ca. 6 month duration flight. C.f.:
  2. RGClark

    Astronaut who spent 197 days on the ISS shows how hard it is to walk on Earth again.

  3. RGClark

    Mars sample return is coming, so scientists urge preparing the public for it now

    The idea about how privately funded robotic space missions can be profitable is described at the bottom here: <<Link removed by moderator>> Scroll down to the bottom since that is the relevant part about the financing. Bob Clark
  4. RGClark

    The Return of the Community!

    Just realized you guys have the posts from the original forum going back to 2004. Cool. I was interested in reading what were the discussions back then. Bob Clark
  5. RGClark

    Mars sample return is coming, so scientists urge preparing the public for it now

    Might even be doable at lower cost and faster time scale if privately funded. Bob Clark
  6. RGClark

    The Return of the Community!

    Glad to see you guys back. I was a big fan of the old site. I'm a math guy with a big interest in all things space related. Looking forward to participating in the discussions. Bob Clark