Recent content by rkramp

  1. rkramp

    Neptune's weird moon Triton could get a visit from a NASA spacecraft called Trident

    I thought of something, for sending probes to the outer planets, like for orbiting them, that's planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. That can of course also be for going to Neptune's moon Triton. I would have mentioned it in the Uranus Orbiter? thread, but it was closed for comments. With current...
  2. rkramp

    NASA's Parker Solar Probe starts sun observation marathon

    According to legend, there is a planet closer to the sun than Mercury. That is planet Vulcan. (No, not Mr Spock's planet, another one.) The Parker Solar Probe could search for it. There was once an Astronomer who claimed to have seen it with a solar telescope. Then, when looking for it again...