Recent content by RogerWilco

  1. R

    Final 'Strange New Worlds' trailer reminds us why it's the best 'Star Trek' on TV

    Strange New Worlds is awful, nothing good or watchable about it. The glitzy new enterprise looks like garbage. The entire cast sucks and has no business trying to pretend they're the same characters from The Cage. The episodes and writing are awful. The only reason this show exists is because...
  2. R

    Runaway supermassive black hole is hurtling through space followed by tail of infant stars (video)

    I have questions. Any estimate on how many stars are in the line? How much gas is lurking in intergalactic space to compress or is all the gas to form stars brought with it from the galaxy? Will it just keep making stars forever? Is this on course to hit any other galaxy eventually? Do all...