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      sabrom replied to the thread Geologic Galactic Theory.
      Status. My original 'Primer' based on the Arms looks tight. But the CB paths to SOL are not. Many Magnetars, Neutron Stars, and...
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      sabrom replied to the thread Geologic Galactic Theory.
      "Pattern recognition, even when not based on tangible factors, is something the human brain is suited for. That is what I see here. The...
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      sabrom replied to the thread Geologic Galactic Theory.
      Family death (Wife's only Sister) delay. Now proceeding.
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      sabrom replied to the thread Geologic Galactic Theory.
      The Galaxy is a SBc type, and Sgr A* is not, AgrA* is a SMBH point, having no SBc Arms and CBs. A Galactic Year is a SOL SgrA* CMB...
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      sabrom replied to the thread Geologic Galactic Theory.
      What is the catalogue name for our Milky Way Galaxy. M# or NGC#### I mean what! Best reference I have found is Sgr A* which is a point...
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      sabrom replied to the thread Geologic Galactic Theory.
      One paper's abstract is useable as a reference. Do I need to purchase the entire paper to verify.
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      sabrom replied to the thread Geologic Galactic Theory.
      One review finished. Acquiring papers. May be some time on my (wife's) budget.
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      sabrom replied to the thread Geologic Galactic Theory.
      Finished version is out for editing, I will want to replace all this with a revision. But I cannot...
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      sabrom replied to the thread Geologic Galactic Theory.
      (1) The Chilling Stars a Cosmic View of Climate Change, 2007 Icon Books. Shaviv stated the Sagittarius Arm intersected with SOL 60ma...
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      sabrom replied to the thread Geologic Galactic Theory.
      The cipher model in adherence to million-years (ma) does not restrict any single 'measurement, of orbital velocity, or periods, or...
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