Recent content by SAFulop

  1. SAFulop

    Comet NEOWISE is closest to Earth tonight. Here's how to see it live online.

    I saw it again this evening, it's getting very faint now. My little Nikons could only help me see a fuzzy ball, but no tail was visible. It has moved considerably up and to the left from its position in Ursa Major last night, but the two Tania stars can still be used as a reference point.
  2. SAFulop

    Comet NEOWISE is closest to Earth tonight. Here's how to see it live online.

    I saw it tonight using 9x25 Nikon binoculars intended for birdwatching. It is slightly above the Tania stars at the edge of Ursa Major, but definitely not naked eye. It was predicted in the article to be Mag 2 tonight, but I put it more like Mag 5. It was dimmer than the Tania stars...