Recent content by saychoss

  1. saychoss

    SpaceX launches NASA's PACE satellite to study Earth's oceans, air and climate

    I enjoy reading many articles each month. Particularly I am interested in PACE because my brother helped design the satellite. For some reason, the author decided to mention twice that PACE was almost canceled by the previous administration during the article… that is a little...
  2. saychoss

    SpaceX Starship megarocket launches on 2nd-ever test flight, but explodes in 'rapid unscheduled disassembly'

    Typo by the article author I think: "It's worth nothing that Starship's second test mission did fly longer and higher than its first test flight" I think the author meant to say "It's worth NOTING..."
  3. saychoss

    SpaceX Starship launch under FAA investigation after raining potentially hazardous debris on homes and beaches

    If Musk always did what others expected of him, there would be no Tesla company, there would be no vertically landing Falcon 9, and there would be no Starlink. I think it's amazing that he dreams big accomplishes incredible feats that nobody else has dared to try. It's ok for Musk to try new...
  4. saychoss

    SpaceX Starship launch under FAA investigation after raining potentially hazardous debris on homes and beaches

    The author says: "Problems with as many as eight of the rocket's 33 Raptor 2 engines caused Starship to flip and roll". I thought it was clear from the launch attempt that a flip was expected as part of separating from the booster. Now it's because of problems with some of the engines?
  5. saychoss

    SpaceX celebrated Starship's 1st launch. Some locals called it 'truly terrifying'

    I hate to say it, but I think SpaceX now has a fully reusable rocket and a fully nonreusable launchpad problem.