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      SMyers replied to the thread A new look at the CMBR.
      fortunately, just like you, i have zero empirical proof of anything. so until then we are just two logins on a message board spouting...
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      perhaps mainstream cosmology has no imagination. i actually agree with most of BBT, and i've attempted to bring my ideas elsewhere with...
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      SMyers replied to the thread A new look at the CMBR.
      the mere fact that the observed cosmic microwave background is equidistant from us in all directions makes it an observational effect...
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      the simplest answer is that the standard model of cosmology is completely wrong and that galaxies are not expanding faster than the...
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      SMyers replied to the thread The Entanglement.
      i got you. question then: is it assumed that only two particle communicate forever? or do the particles mix it up, entangling within a...
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      you pretty much just described the hypersphere model i posted on another thread. 1) photon energy transfer happens along a time axis...
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      wow so i skimmed through all this and all i see is attempt after attempt to work around the fact that the age of the universe as...
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      SMyers replied to the thread The Entanglement.
      but in order for the second particle to position itself in the opposite orientation as the first, it has to "know" what the first's...
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      the issue with this, besides violating general relativity, is "where does the energy come from to accelerate the light?" models that...
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      SMyers replied to the thread The Entanglement.
      ha yea sorry, can't help you on that one. best i can think of is the idea of the wormhole. in theory it bends space-time until two...
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      SMyers replied to the thread Red Shift.
      no worries lol. the point of this thread was to disprove my hypothesis about how the standard model is incorrectly using red shift. so...
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      SMyers replied to the thread Red Shift.
      sounds like you are combining red shift (time) with luminosity (distance), which in effect agrees with what i am postulating. question...
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      SMyers replied to the thread Red Shift.
      what do you consider to be the observational proof of this.
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      SMyers replied to the thread Red Shift.
      pretty sure i just solved Dark Matter and Dark Energy haaaha. you're welcome.
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      SMyers replied to the thread Red Shift.
      i would love to see a physical explanation ..... the only radio experience i have is the one in my car lmao
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