Recent content by Space Duck

  1. Space Duck

    Everything we know about Homeworld 3: Release date, platforms, gameplay, trailers

    Dont get me wrong. Having a FANTASY game. To stimulate innovation isnt a bad idea. But lets keep the FANTASY games separate from the FACTUAL REALITY of Space Development. I use as an OS-Int resource for all things Space. However, content such as Video Games, should have a separate...
  2. Space Duck

    FAA proposes rule to reduce space junk in Earth orbit

    With Respect. No one pays attention to anything the UN, or International Treatise made by the UN Agencies. Look at " Weaponizing Space ". Restricted & Banned for decades now. Yet everyone violated that Treatise. Look at Chemical Weapons banned by Treatise. Assad of Syria still goes unpunished...
  3. Space Duck

    FAA proposes rule to reduce space junk in Earth orbit

    The US Federal Aviation Administration has no jurisdiction in Space. Whether Near Earth Orbit, Far Earth Orbit, or otherwise. They regulate " Airspace ". And only hold authority over US Airspace at that. This falls under " Overstepping Authority of Organizational Charter ". An International...
  4. Space Duck

    Everything we know about Homeworld 3: Release date, platforms, gameplay, trailers

    Is this forum about Space, or Fantasy Space Games?