Recent content by Sr. Pauline

  1. S

    Feature This week's community question is about eclipses!

    I remember I wanted to watch a solar eclipse when I was about 9-10 years old. My mother would not buy special glasses because too expensive and would not let me watch because too dangerous. In fact, she watched us (my brother & I) like a hawk during the whole time of that eclipse. She did...
  2. S

    Feature This week's community question is about surprises!

    What has surprised me most is learning that there are such a great number of galaxies.
  3. S

    Feature This week's community question is about your favourite!

    My favorite shows are all Star Trek series. I also enjoyed and continue enjoying the movies. I watched the 1st season of Discovery on Netflix while in Italy, and liked it. And saw the 1st Picard season while in Canada. Unfortunately, am unable to see 2nd seasons because I don't have All...
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    Feature This week's community question is about wormholes!

    I would expect to see a whole other universe, where time and space are not separated. The mere thought of a place would bring me there. I could visit the whole new universe in thought, which I actiually already do now, but with the limit of time and space.
  5. S

    Giveaway This Month's Giveaway is All About Mars and Perseverance! - Winner Announced!

    I would like to visit not a planet, but the moon Titan. I want to see if we could make it habitable or a transit point for further exploration. If yes, just think how ckoser we would be to 'Out There'. We might even catch up with Voyager, who knows?
  6. S

    Feature This week's community question concerns space travel!

    I would bring a good friend, some emergency supplies (water, food, first aid, clothing for expected and unexpected weather) good books (including my Bible), DVDs and good music CDs - and plenty of batteries.