Recent content by Tachyon

  1. T

    What's the best scifi tv series of all time?

    You are 100% correct. Just enough attention to exact a response without paying attention to the details of the original question. Being raised on Buck Rogers, HG Wells et al. I was loveded at Star Trek but I agree that TNG was best overall. I also agree with some that Orville didn't live upto...
  2. T

    Question What about the flat earth International Conference coming?

    I find it no more surprising that there are a lot of people who reject centuries of science. Just look at the 10s of millions who claim climate change is a hoax. Not to mention the 1000s of other nonsense posted in social media. I guess if they want to waste their time and money on this then...
  3. T

    What's the best scifi tv series of all time?

    Interstellar has some very interesting ideas. Even using real science. The construct is interesting but a little bit far out. Still a good flick if one doesn't think to much. The conflict of time/gravity and the quantum answers hidden inside the singularity. Makes one ho Hm?
  4. T

    What's the best scifi tv series of all time?

    I know trek et al theres a lot out there but to look a little off beaten path. Gotta go with Matrix series. I know but the concepts are remarkable.
  5. T

    Will quantum computer prove e=mc□ wrong

    Studying quantum string and then tachyon particles. I bel ih eve a quantum computer will prove tachyon particles exists and be able to explain how.