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    • tinus
      tinus replied to the thread I have a dumb question.
      Yes for scopes and so on even for studies as they do on the international spaces station many even a lunch base to move out more The...
    • tinus
      tinus reacted to Questioner's post in the thread I have a dumb question with Like Like.
      [Micro-]Meteorites. One needs a smooth protective cavern to inflate it in. The inflatable must sustain high atmospheric pressures...
    • tinus
      tinus replied to the thread I have a dumb question.
      Thanks But still if we use Kevlar the volcanic Glas won't be a problem I am not a astroleger but in my mind from school there's no...
    • tinus
      Why can't we take a inflatable balloon tent to the moon and make a Self-sustaining ecosystems like the garden in a bottle in doing so we...
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