Recent content by TIRtacToE

  1. T

    What time is the total solar eclipse on Dec. 4?

    Time to get your DMT ready... Careful of one way trips only for the totals, you'll never find one long enough to get back if you are not careful. Won't find a similar road easily though, so to each his own.
  2. T

    How to debate a flat-Earther

    Many of them I hypothesize just want a change in govt/culture and this is the brainchild for accomplishing that. Seems like a very LONG if not impossible way to go about that even if their ideas proved true. In other ways then perhaps losing their mind and denying reality is the only way to...
  3. T

    How to debate a flat-Earther

    One more thought in regards to your hydrostatic ball and mineral aspect... If you were to view the earth's surface over time, what we think of as a solid surface behaves more as a fluid sometimes like bubbles or as a gas even &c. Over time a material we may find alone at one point as a solid...
  4. T

    How to debate a flat-Earther

    You bring up the hydrostatics, and I heard rather recently some of the FE discussions bring that up. I couldn't help but come up w/ flatulence as my model in responses. EDIT ADD: I think some of them are coming around to a larger sphere idea too at some points where there would be other...
  5. T

    How to debate a flat-Earther

    EDITADD: how about I actually give you the link I mentioned, sorry. I put a link in my first post #19 that I thought put much better visuals then the Wikip[edia page you mentioned, though...
  6. T

    How to debate a flat-Earther

    yes, I am aware of how it works, and it isn't isolated to the mediums of a water-air boundary. Not too much about superfluids I see available online w/Snell's law in mind, mostly in line w/ these kind of studies. Perhaps if they ever test out those LEO...
  7. T

    How to debate a flat-Earther

    I actually think there could be a way to use a flat earth class practically at a school. It doesnt have to be about anything being real or not, classes use fiction and fact both often. For many of these FEs its the most they have ever studied science and enjoyed doing it to boot. Surely not...
  8. T

    How to debate a flat-Earther

    Does QM imply as in your cat example that ALL available outcomes are to exist as options. I'm not sure if its even an applicable point, but I can count using cardinal numbers from 1 to infinity or I can count from 1000 to infinity. In both case I have the potential to go to infinity but in the...
  9. T

    How to debate a flat-Earther How could you respond to a FE argument that the spherical earth pictures are of a flat area, but appear spherical due to Snell's law? An observer viewing through an area of a...
  10. T

    There's a Giant Mystery Hiding Inside Every Atom in the Universe

    Sounds like fun research and both teams may help each other by spurring ideas in the competitive process. Like most two sided suggestions I'm betting there are other avenues as options as well... I tend to find Snell's law a good guide in more ways than one. Surprising minimal use of the...