Recent content by unclefishbits

  1. U

    Interstellar astronauts would face years-long communication delays due to time dilation

    I have a silly saying: "No internet is fine. Having internet is great" Bad internet is a frustrating nightmare". Now put this at an existential level of loneliness and hope, and you've ramped up that situation to horrific levels. I'd just right off that comms won't work, and make sure you plan...
  2. U

    What is the biggest planet ever found?

    there should be rewards or gold or something here, because I am amazed you did this. So fantastic, I cannot thank you enough. Definitely going in my next newsletter, then... it's non-monetized so it's not too brazen to link it, but the top category is always "space", so you may enjoy! Can't...
  3. U

    What is the biggest planet ever found?

    Could someone possibly visually represent the estimations on this data? Just curious, asking for my brain.
  4. U

    How long could you survive in space without a spacesuit?

    The lung full of air as error, aside, I think you just need to have the bright idea to find a passing spaceship and get rescued by it. "The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy says that if you hold a lungful of air you can survive in the total vacuum of space for about thirty seconds. However it...