Recent content by vincenzosassone

  1. V

    Casimir effect

    Yeah, if I understand correctly, the casimir effect interests a particular area where there is no matter unless two objects (two plates) close to each other about nanometers. These two plates will collide on each other ove time because of the discrepancy that is present between energy inside and...
  2. V

    What is the nature of entropy ?

    I'm not at your level, but I might aswer this question though... I know little about entropy, but returning to the basics sometimes may help: entropy meansures the disorder, and the more the disorder the more equilibrium there is in a close system. Matter always tends to occupy space in the most...
  3. V

    What is a "Black Hole" my opinion

    Something like a hollow sphere
  4. V

    What is a "Black Hole" my opinion

    I don't know how many times I've said that, but I want to repeat it: a Black Hole isn't made of matter. Of course, it was created by matter, a lot of matter compressed under the force of gravity, but then it isn't matter anymore. Even if it were matter, we would have to think about it as if it...
  5. V

    What is a "Black Hole" my opinion

    Then, after a certain threshold everything get philosophy...
  6. V

    What is a "Black Hole" my opinion

    I agree, I would add that the Universe is still expanding. This made me remember the cyclical theory of our Universe. After the big bang, the Universe is expanding, then, it stops because gravity wins against dark enery, and then there is the big chrunch. After that, another big bang, with...
  7. V

    Casimir effect

    Thank you, I thought everything happened because of gravity...:rolleyes: This is a small but effective explanation!
  8. V

    Casimir effect

    First of all, I want to thank you all for your support that helped me to expand my knowledges. It's been a year by now that I'm here and my knowledges in astronomy greately increased from my start point (I knew little about astronomy). Anyway, to reduce the lenght of the post that will be too...
  9. V

    Question How dense are black holes?

    What does it mean? We also have a clear picture of it...
  10. V

    Question How dense are black holes?

    Nothing left to say, I totally agree with you.
  11. V

    Question How dense are black holes?

    To sum up, we don't know it yet, but that's a question of time. Anyway, I don't feel comfortable to state that a Black Hole has an infinite dense core (singularity) cause it's impossible to think about this concept in physics.
  12. V

    Question Jupitearth

    I only hope she will see the post, I'm sure she will like it.
  13. V

    Question Jupitearth

    Thank you Cat for the explanation! I'm sorry for the previous misunderstanding, this is brilliant.
  14. V

    Question Jupitearth

    Thanks for the information Cat! I dind't know there was a proper distinction between rocky planets and the giant ones. In this case, if we lenghtened the radius of our planet without changing the mass of it, according to the general formula "F=Gm1m2/d2"; where G is the constant, m1 and m2 are...
  15. V

    Question Jupitearth

    In my opinion, a planet as big as our gas giants can't exist, or at least it would be made of gas. We know that the lower a layer, the bigger the pressure, so, if such a planet exists, the pressure inside would be unimaginable. Even if we allow the possibility to find deep inside light...