Recent content by weirmg

  1. weirmg

    Think about the math and how and why you do it, concerning local-finite's expansion to non-local infinity.

    I think one's intuition about things, especially in the sciences, is critically important. Such qualitative understandings allow one to 'internalize' concepts. Einstein was famous for this, he called them 'thought experiments'. For example, I was able to handle the math for Special Relativity...
  2. weirmg

    Total energy of the system

    Einstein convinced us that energy is interchangeable with matter -- and likely all that dark matter [aka, dark energy] together with all the other observed mass has kept the universe from expanding into extinction eons ago. I suspect we can no longer consider the universe to be a closed system...
  3. weirmg

    Quantum Entangled Universes

    The Hypothesis of the Primeval Void on our multiverse and how all the pieces seemingly fit, from strings and dimensions to dark matter -- concluding that that neither time nor distance exits.
  4. weirmg

    Quantum Entangled Universes

    The three who received the Nobel Price demonstrated that quantum entanglement exists -- and I suspect it does as well, but not for the same reason. I'm planning to start a thread where I'll attempt to explain. The broader hypothesis will encompass entanglement, but it's principally focused
  5. weirmg

    GPS: Everything you need to know about the space-based technology keeping us on track

    Indeed, in 1979 I was a brand new 2nd Lt and Electrical Engineering graduate and found myself in the GPS Joint Program Office at Los Angeles Air Force Station and understudied a protégé of Col Parkinson's in the systems engineering directorate. I suspect the accuracy concerns the Colonel...