Recent content by wxman2003

  1. wxman2003

    At a powerful radio telescope, the hunt for signals from intelligent extraterrestrial life is on

    There is probably abundant life out there, the real issue is there may not be very much intelligent life. Life doesn't need intelligence to thrive.
  2. wxman2003

    Why some physicists really think there's a 'mirror universe' hiding in space-time

    I remember us discussing this very topic 3 years from now.
  3. wxman2003

    'UFO' videos declassified by US Navy

    Looks like a hypersonic missile that Russia has been testing.
  4. wxman2003

    SETI search of interstellar Comet Borisov finds no sign of alien 'technosignatures'

  5. wxman2003

    'Mad Mike' wasn't trying to prove 'flat Earth' theory on ill-fated homemade rocket launch

    He may have not believed the earth was round, but he proved that the laws of physics are valid. He gets the Darwin award. View: