Recent content by Zephaniah Chesterfield

  1. Zephaniah Chesterfield

    4 hostile alien civilizations may lurk in the Milky Way, a new study suggests

    well, like... hmm.. what is word... a bacteria. We dump trash into space. I'm sure "they" take into consideration the atmosphere of space (or the stuff in the space) and how it effects the debris we chuck out there so we can have faster internet and a bungalow for when we completely trash this...
  2. Zephaniah Chesterfield

    4 hostile alien civilizations may lurk in the Milky Way, a new study suggests

    What would be the probability that another "alien" species/being just ends up here, and naturally destroys us all? Or at least lays the ground work for it. I wonder how many bacteria are "made from the same glorious wonderful stardust" some stoners are proud to claim to be made of. True we're...
  3. Zephaniah Chesterfield

    4 hostile alien civilizations may lurk in the Milky Way, a new study suggests

    Lets go all out, lol.... So, we're in the hologram version of one dimension of the multiverse... where a giant rock gravitating towards our own self destructive thoughts in the perfect union and balance of that rock's own non-conscious will and our collective conscious will as our...
  4. Zephaniah Chesterfield

    4 hostile alien civilizations may lurk in the Milky Way, a new study suggests

    I'll admit it... that Greer fella is fascinating to me. So there's that (trying to remember the name of it) Beyond Disclosure i think it is, flick, fairly new... but in that flick it gets into people willing UFO's into not only this airspace/planet but into this dimension. Airspace is one thing...
  5. Zephaniah Chesterfield

    4 hostile alien civilizations may lurk in the Milky Way, a new study suggests

    Ah, so.... (chuckling, not because I'm a clown)... basically there's more of a probability of an actual undeveloped planet (the rock, physical mass) coming to kill us than the developed inhabitants of a planet (beings on a rock) coming to kill us. One of the reasons for the chuckle is a...
  6. Zephaniah Chesterfield

    4 hostile alien civilizations may lurk in the Milky Way, a new study suggests

    I was skimming it. I'll dig into it in a sec. I was wasting consciousness at "the job." On the first skim thru what i gathered was that we're gonna pump some dubstep with subliminal codes into space... if it reaches some being that gets the message, not just receives it, but actually gets it...
  7. Zephaniah Chesterfield

    Introduce yourself! (And show us your swag)

    Zephaniah Chesterfield. I'm a cartoon clown, or that's the common perception. Reluctant frontman of a band which barhops and gigs through what is known and unknown (but nothing is unknown, only unrecognized or "not clearly defined", which I say because everything has an expression and in most...
  8. Zephaniah Chesterfield

    4 hostile alien civilizations may lurk in the Milky Way, a new study suggests

    Mindsets. Taking from what you said about how "we eat most things that don't seem to have a social structure that we can relate to..." (the "as hunter gatherers" i can understand as one shade of a bit of an indescribable color or mindset). It comes down to that mindset. Not making it "religious"...
  9. Zephaniah Chesterfield

    4 hostile alien civilizations may lurk in the Milky Way, a new study suggests

    I skimmed the comments and will go back and fully soak it in, but yeah, it comes down to the mindset of that invading type of being. MINDSET is the key word. Mindset is rooted in consciousness which is rooted in a self and a perception or understanding to the point of knowing (and vice versa)...
  10. Zephaniah Chesterfield

    Giveaway Win a Sky-Watcher Skymax-127 Telescope

    I'd call it necessery (but spelled correctly)... no, but seriously folks, Raziel, which is my middle name.